Error accessing Azure File Share from Azure Web Service - Started last night

Øyvind Thorsen 21 Reputation points

I have 2 web services (WS) in Azure and a File Share (FS) which both WS's use.
The FS has worked perfectly for more than 6 months.

I have also mapped that FS as my Z: drive on my PC - and it works as a regular network drive.

The web services has mapped the FS under Configuration, Path Mappings - as "\mounts\data"

Suddenly, tonight, at 03.26 (Norway time) the connection btw the WS's and FS does not work.

At my local PC the Z: drive (the Azure FS) works as normal.
In the Azure menues the FS also works as normal and list the folders and files.

There has not been any code changes at our side about this.

I have tried to restart both WS's - with the same result - no access to the FS.

So - the WS works as normal and the FS seems to work as normal - but the connection/ mapping btw the WS and FS does not work.

When trying to create a new file on the FS from WS I get this Exception:

Exception: The network path was not found. : '\mounts\data\onboard\1_suitablility_test.csv'

Any idea ?

Azure Files
Azure Files
An Azure service that offers file shares in the cloud.
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Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Storage: The hardware and software system used to retain data for subsequent retrieval.
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Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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Accepted answer
  1. Carlos Solís Salazar 17,106 Reputation points MVP

    Hi @Øyvind Thorsen

    Thank you for asking this question on the **Microsoft Q&A Platform. **

    According to your explanation, it looks like the Storage Account SAS Token has expired.

    You have to create a new SAS Token for all your connections.

    Check this documentation

    Hope this helps!


    Accept Answer and Upvote, if any of the above helped, this thread can help others in the community looking for remediation for similar issues.
    NOTE: To answer you as quickly as possible, please mention me in your reply.

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