Thank you @Nandan Hegde ,
<in addition to Nandan's answer>
Hello @897456 ,
In case, if you want to update the Integration run time key(from a different data factory), please follow the below steps.
After installing the SHIR, a PowerShell script is placed in the installation directory
From the machine hosting the IR, open the Windows PowerShell ISE as Administrator
Within the ISE click File, Open, and navigating to: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Integration Runtime\5.0\PowerShellScript(your installation path)
Open the RegisterIntegrationRuntime.ps1 PowerShell script.
update the below parameter
$gatewayKey is the registration key of the new ADF resource that you want to register the IR with. Remove the $throw, so it’s just a string of the key.
After you update, run the powershell script
once successful you’ll see the message ‘Integration Runtime registration is successful'
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