The case is:
- I got a spear phishing attack.
- For security reasons I changed my Facebook password and I logged out of all other devices (mobile, laptop, etc), expect the pc that I am using now.
- In the Facebook 2FA options I had only the Microsoft authenticator app verification enabled, NOT the sms, NOT the backup codes.
- For security reasons again, I uninstalled the Microsoft authentication app from my mobile phone. BUT, I didn’t turn off the 2FA in my Facebook account, which it seems to bring me to a dead-lock and I can’t do anything, as every time it asks for a authentication code which I can’t provide, as I have the app uninstalled.
In the Microsoft Authenticator app, I didn't have the backup option enabled. So, is there a way to recover the Facebook 2FA account in my Microsoft Authenticator app, so that I can login in my Facebook account again?
From Facebook the feedback I got was that there isn't any way from their side to remove the 2FA option and that I should contact the Microsoft Authenticator support team.
For the history, I have tried all the possible ways to pass the 2FA but all fail due to the above point (4). In more details, I have tried the following:
When I attempt to login, when the two-factor authentication code is requested, if I click the “Need another way to authenticate”, I get the following instructions:
BUT what is described above is not possible, as I am logged out from the Facebook app too.
If I try to login from the Facebook app, I reach the 2FA again, where it says the following:
Clicking on the “Resend code” does nothing, I don’t get any push notification in my Facebook account where I am logged in from the pc.
Clicking on the “Having trouble?” link, it prompts me to the mobile browser Facebook page where I have to login again and then clicking on the “Having trouble?” link again below:
It provides me with the following 2 options:
The “I can’t find Code Generator” does nothing, as it says me to access the authenticator app, which I don’t have access:
The “Approve from another device” option does nothing, as it doesn’t send any notification to my logged account in the pc, the only device that I currently have access:
Thanks in advance for your time and any help!