Auth for a third party service calling our service in Azure

Devil Stance 21 Reputation points

Hi all,
we have a third party service calling an endpoint with a http POST request and sending us some JSON data and we need to establish a secure way to authorize the service.

Is it possible to register the external service somehow in Azure AD and make it using a standard auth flow?
Or, is it possible for the external service to use some Azure services to implement a simple auth based on an API Key that is rotated (automatically)?

Otherwise, which is the suggested practice in this use case?

Thanks in advance,

Microsoft Entra ID
Microsoft Entra ID
A Microsoft Entra identity service that provides identity management and access control capabilities. Replaces Azure Active Directory.
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  1. Carlos Solís Salazar 17,186 Reputation points MVP

    Hi @Devil Stance

    Thank you for asking this question on the **Microsoft Q&A Platform. **

    To manage the access of your Identity App you need to use App Registration

    Azure App registrations are an easy and powerful way to configure authentication and authorization workflows for a variety of different client types. Everything from Android to a SAML application can be configured to use an app registration


    Hope this helps!

    Accept Answer and Upvote, if any of the above helped, this thread can help others in the community looking for remediation for similar issues.
    NOTE: To answer you as quickly as possible, please mention me in your reply.

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