Configure Failover cluster without AD

Priya 211 Reputation points

Hi All,

Good Morning.
I want to explore the option of configuring MS failover cluster without AD. Hence followed these steps

However when i try to create a File Server role it errors out while enumerating the default file share ( the drive itself) and i could not add any more shares to the File server created. If there is a MS recommended way to accomplish the same, could you please share it.


Windows Server Clustering
Windows Server Clustering
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Clustering: The grouping of multiple servers in a way that allows them to appear to be a single unit to client computers on a network. Clustering is a means of increasing network capacity, providing live backup in case one of the servers fails, and improving data security.
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  1. Xiaowei He 9,876 Reputation points


    I tested in my lab, after creating NFS share, and refresh the Cluster manager, the NFS share could show up immediately:


    Thanks for your time!
    Best Regards,


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  1. Priya 211 Reputation points

    I can see both SMB and NFS from


    and Failover cluster Manager does not show it

    So my question is why dont see the NFS shares as well as part of Failover cluster manage --> File Server Role itself. Because i created the NFS shares as a "Add Share"to a FileServer Role. So i think it should show it as part of the shares both SMB and NFS shares.

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  2. Priya 211 Reputation points

    Thanks everyone for the responses.

    Automatically I saw the NFS shares show up after a day, I am not sure why is the delay in showing up the NFS shares in the Failover Cluster Manager screen.

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  3. Priya 211 Reputation points

    Thank you Anne, it helped.