As noted in other responses, you will need to parse the TSV file into something the map can understand. Azure Maps, Bing Maps, and Google Maps all support loading GeoJSON data, although Azure Maps does this natively while the others parse GeoJSON into another format for the map. Azure Maps also has the best performance out of these three maps. That said, these files are massive. The smallest file, when uncompressed in over 200MB. No web browser-based map control can load this much data directly and have any sort of decent performance. Alternate methods of loading the data would be needed, such as converting the data to vector tiles ahead of time and loading those.
Looking at the TSV file it appears to have two columns; the first is some sort of identifier, and the second is a GeoJSON geometry object. I'm not sure why they didn't make the identifier a property of the geometry and make this a GeoJSONL file format like this have for other open data.
In any case, given the size of the files, you will need to convert these ahead of time into a usable format and then either load a portion of the data into a web-based map control, covert the data into a more efficient format, or try a desktop app like QGIS.