@Reinaldo Malo
Thank you for posting your query in Microsoft Q&A. Please be informed that OAuth support is not yet available. We are working on a plan to support it and phase out Basic auth.
For public preview and new updated kindly keep yourself posted to : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/fundamentals/whats-new
Apart from this if you are looking for private previews then please be informed that:
Previews are licensed to you as part of your agreement governing use of Azure, and subject to terms applicable to "Previews" as detailed in the Universal License Terms for Online Services section of the Microsoft Product Terms and the Microsoft Products and Services Data Protection Addendum ("DPA").
Azure Active Directory preview programs
Azure Active Directory provides updates and new features in the form of preview programs. Microsoft rolls out previews in phases to give Microsoft and customers the opportunity to evaluate and understand the new feature before it becomes part of the standard service of Azure AD. The phases are as follows:
Private preview – During this phase we invite a few customers to take part in early access to new concepts and features. This phase does not include formal support.
Public preview – During this phase we allow any customer with the proper Azure AD license to evaluate the new feature. Microsoft Customer Support Services will supply support services during this phase, but normal service level agreements do not apply. For new features exposed in the Azure AD Portal, customer can expect to see information banners in the user interface that draw attention to the new experience available during the preview. By clicking on the information banner customers then opt-in to the preview experience.
Generally available (GA) – After the public preview is completed, the feature is open for any licensed customer to use and is supported via all Microsoft support channels. Be aware when a new feature impacts existing functionality, it might change the way you or your users use the functionality.
Every Azure Active Directory preview program has different opt-in requirements and dependencies.
Please do let me know if you have any further queries in comments section.
Akshay Kaushik
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