Hi, I am looking for some help with the Microsoft Graph API for Intune.
I am calling this API to get the device configuration policy states and this API does not appear to be returning them all, or do I need to call another API to get the full results?
This is the result:
"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#deviceManagement/managedDevices('')/deviceConfigurationStates(displayName,state)",
"value": [
"displayName": "Intune data collection policy",
"state": "compliant"
"displayName": "Office Wifi",
"state": "compliant"
"displayName": "Win11Testing",
"state": "compliant"
"displayName": "Bitlocker + Firewall",
"state": "compliant"
"displayName": "MacOS - Security",
"state": "unknown"
"displayName": "Intune data collection policy"
"displayName": "Office Wifi"
"displayName": "Win11Testing"
"displayName": "Bitlocker + Firewall"
"displayName": "MacOS - Sec
Here is a screenshot of Intune portal, for the same DeviceId, We seem to be missing a few configuration policies.
Any ideas how to get a list of them all, and their states, using the API?