@Klaus Nørregaard I am sharing a couple of resources that will help with data modeling such as workloads.
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/events/azure-cosmos-db-liftoff/how-to-do-data-modeling-for-distributed-postgres-in-azure-cosmos-db
- https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/postgresql/quickstart-build-scalable-apps-model-high-throughput
- https://docs.citusdata.com/en/v11.2/use_cases/timeseries.html
At a high-level, the use case seems to be in the time series space and Azure Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL is a good fit for such use-cases. You typically distribute tables on a column that adds natural dimension to data (for ex: device_id in IoT workloads) and create time based partitions (ex: weekly, monthly etc). you can leverage JSONB column to store and query semi-structured and unstructured data and you seems to be already doing this. I hope this information helps, please post if you have any additional questions. Regards Geetha