Make it possible to use SSL on blob storage using custom domains

Dmitri M 211 Reputation points

I'm following the recommendation from @AzureSupport twitter handle to post this uservoice suggestion here for better visibility and tracking. (

Original request:

High-level the issue is that we can add custom domains to storage accounts, but we are not able to make use of custom SSL certificates with those domains. Effectively we either must use Microsoft SSL certificate with default storage URL (ex: or use custom domain but no SSL at all.

The proposed MSFT solution was initially to use Azure CDN on top of blob storage, but from many comments on uservoice over the years it seems like that's not an appropriate solution in various cases.

Other solutions that were proposed over time were to use an Azure Function to stream blob data, Azure Front Door or Azure API Management. All of these add additional complexity, dependencies and cost.

The customers need a simpler solution just like it exists for App Services and functions (verify custom domain - associate SSL cert to domain - done!)

Azure Storage Accounts
Azure Storage Accounts
Globally unique resources that provide access to data management services and serve as the parent namespace for the services.
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  1. 효찬 장 1 Reputation point

    +1 Waiting for this for years now.

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  2. Swamy Mahesh 0 Reputation points

    Without https support for custom domain, it is of no use, it renders the application useless. Please update what has MS team done to address this ?

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