Hello @Redistro !
Welcome to Microsoft QnA !
To implement the new disk encryption policy on machines that are already encrypted with basic BitLocker encryption, you will need to decrypt the machines and then re-encrypt them with the new policy. Here are the steps you can follow:
Backup the data on the encrypted machines: Before you begin, it's important to backup any important data on the encrypted machines, as decrypting and re-encrypting the disks will wipe all data on the disks.
Decrypt the disks: To decrypt the disks, you can use the Disable-BitLocker PowerShell cmdlet. Run this cmdlet on each machine that you want to decrypt:
Disable-BitLocker -MountPoint C:
Note that you may need to change the MountPoint parameter to match the drive letter of the disk you want to decrypt.
Apply the new disk encryption policy: After the disks have been decrypted, you can apply the new disk encryption policy by pushing it from Intune or any other device management tool you are using.
Re-encrypt the disks: To re-encrypt the disks, you can use the Enable-BitLocker PowerShell cmdlet. Run this cmdlet on each machine that you want to re-encrypt:
Enable-BitLocker -MountPoint C: -RecoveryPasswordProtector -UsedSpaceOnly
Note that you may need to change the MountPoint parameter to match the drive letter of the disk you want to re-encrypt. The -RecoveryPasswordProtector parameter specifies that the BitLocker recovery password should be used to unlock the disk, and the -UsedSpaceOnly parameter specifies that only used disk space should be encrypted to reduce the time required for encryption.
Verify the new encryption: After the disks have been re-encrypted, you can verify that the new encryption policy has been applied by checking the BitLocker settings on each machine.
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