Hi @Tianyu Sun-MSFT
Thank you for above reply.
As mentioned earlier by me. My issue is that I am working on a machine which is not having access to open internet. As machine is not having access to open internet, I am unable to download/install nuget packages in New OR Existing ASP.Net core projects. I need to find URLs and make them accessible from my machine so that above issue is resolved. As a solution, I have made below URL accessible from my machine,
due to which while creating new projects, default nuget packages are getting installed. Facing below issue now -
Inside Visual Studio 2022 Community -> Nuget Package Manager, I am unable to search for any Nuget package now, getting below error(when I tried searching Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore using nuget package manager)
[nuget.org] Failed to retrieve metadata from source 'https://azuresearch-ussc.nuget.org/query?q=Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore&skip=0&take=26&prerelease=false&supportedframework=net6.0&semVerLevel=2.0.0'
Also, please note once I go to Nuget Package Manager, under Browse I can not see any Nuget package name. When I search for a Nuget package (by giving its name in the text box), facing above mentioned (in bold issues).
Based on above issue, can you please mention what URL I can make accessible from my machine so that above issue could get resolved and I can search/install any package from Nuget Package Manager.
While giving a solution please note I am not having access to open internet on my machine, I am looking for a URL which once made accessible from my machine, I am able to resolve above issue and able to search/install nuget packages on my machine in new and existing project.
Please let me know in case of any doubts on above.