I have been using your products for many years, especially Excel and Excel VBA. What you are doing is amazing. I would like to express my thanks for this. My question is about Excel VBA. There is a discrepancy, I would like you to comment on it. A simple macro I wrote is as follows:
Sub CountFormulas()
Dim rng As Range, formula_cnt As Long
Selection.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeFormulas, 21).Select
For Each rng In Selection
formula_cnt = formula_cnt + 1
Next rng
MsgBox formula_cnt
End Sub
The problem is that this does not always reflect the correct result. Can you explain exactly what the problem is ? For example, when you write a formula based on RANDARRAY, it shows a completely wrong result:

When I run the macro, the result is 1, when the result should be 20.
Thank you in advance.