@salilsingh-9961 Thanks for getting back. Please find below the answers to your questions.
If you have already imported the SoapAPI in APIM then you don't need to follow the above steps 1 and 2 again.
Question: Is it mandatory to RESTify a SOAP API, when it is imported to APIM?
Answer: When creating a SOAP API in Azure API Management (APIM), you have two options: SOAP pass-through and SOAP to REST.
SOAP pass-through means that APIM will simply forward the SOAP request to the backend SOAP service without any modification. This is useful if you want to expose a SOAP service through APIM without having to modify the SOAP messages.
SOAP to REST means that APIM will convert the SOAP request to a REST request before forwarding it to the backend service. This is useful if you want to expose a SOAP service through APIM as a REST API. APIM will automatically generate a REST API based on the WSDL of the SOAP service, and you can customize the generated API to fit your needs.
So You can choose to decide either of the above depending on your requirement. I have used SOAP pass-through in my below example.
Question: Cant we consume the API by using logic app by giving the new APIM URL for SOAP API and by using the request in SOAP form?
Answer: It is possible. I have used the below Trigger and Action in my Logic App as an example. You can tweak it based on your requirement.
Expanding the workflow to show the settings:
Then you need to SAVE it and then Run Trigger to test it.
You can also check if the request was successful from the APIM standpoint by looking at the APIM Requests metrics with splitting applied for the Backend Response code.:
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