You can take the following actions to make sure that all worksheets in the workbook are printed one-sided by default:
- Open the Excel workbook containing the worksheets you want to print 1-sided.
- At the bottom of the Excel window, select the top worksheet tab.
- On the Excel ribbon, select the "Page Layout" tab.
- Click on the "Dialogue Box Launcher" icon (small arrow) in the bottom-right portion of the "Page Setup" group. With this, the current worksheet's "Page Setup" dialogue box will be displayed.
- In the "Page Setup" dialog box, go to the "Sheet" tab.
- Verify that the "Print on one side" option is selected under the "Print" section. Select "Print on one side" from the dropdown menu if it isn't already selected.
- Click the "OK" button to apply the settings for the current worksheet.
- For every worksheet in the workbook, repeat steps 2 through 7.
When the user chooses "Print One Sided" from the print settings, you should make sure that all worksheets in the workbook are printed 1-sided by setting all of them to "Print on one side" in their respective "Page Setup" dialogue boxes.
Best Regards.