I have a laptop with Windows 11 and have signed up to do a tutorial on Udemy to learn Azure Data Factory, which I will now call ADF.
I'm getting errors when I enter a username and password and host in a new Linked Service that I made. I already used the Quick Install of the Self-Hosted Integrated Runtime on my laptop. I do not know what permissions I need to set up on my laptop. I also did one command in a cmd.exe window which was c:\Program Files\Microsoft Integration Runtime\5.0\Shared\dmgcmd -rn KEY
Back to the SHIR, I entered my host (network style path to the directory containing the csv file I got from the tutorial), my network username like SERVER\USERNAME, and password. When I click "test connection" I get this error:
"Connection failed. The value of the property '' is invalid: 'Access to my-laptop is denied, resolved IP address is aaa.aaa.aaa.aaa, network type is OnPremise'. Access to my-laptop is denied, resolved IP address is aaa.aaa.aaa.aaa, network type is OnPremise Activity ID: 1a677f10-ee81-4f72-b97b-034c9a7bd649."
I have also rewatched the tutorial several times, found 2 pages on the SHIR, did a search to find solutions and have not fixed the problem yet.
I'm not a network guy and don't know what permissions I need on my laptop to get this running. Was it bad that I used the Quick Install for SHIR?
How do I get my Linked Service in ADF to test correctly?
Thank you!
EDIT: The tutorial I'm following is from 2022 and what I learned is a recent update to Self Hosted Integrated Runtime means access to local files is not allowed by default. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/connector-file-system?tabs=data-factory#sample-linked-service-and-dataset-definitions MS probably sees this as a security risk. Linking to a local file is poor system design so I will not be doing that part of the tutorial. Access can be made to local files but there are a bunch of steps to be taken in Powershell and the user must have admin access to the machine, which I don't seem to have. More info here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/data-factory/create-self-hosted-integration-runtime?tabs=data-factory