Hello @Ramu Vankala,
after the first user in an organization signs up for Teams Exploratory, the subscription is activated and available for the next 12 months. After the Teams Exploratory license expires, there is a tolerance period of 30 days during which one should update their subscription accordingly. After another 30 days, the assigned Teams; OneDrive and Sharepoint data will be deleted. The licenses can be assigned and administered via the Microsoft 365 Admin Portal. This requires a user who has the appropriate permissions.
For more information about Microsoft Teams Exploratory license, you can also refer to the following documentation:
Manage the Microsoft Teams Exploratory license: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-exploratory
Upgrade users from the Teams Exploratory trial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/upgrade-from-teams-exploratory
If this is helpful, please accept the answer. Thank you.