mount Blob storage as a file system with blobfuse

Vijay Kumar 2,021 Reputation points

Actually i am following below article to mount blob storage in linux box in Azure.

While executing below command

$ sudo blobfuse /root/abc_dev --tmp-path=/mnt/resource/blobfusetmp --config-file=/fuse_connection.cfg -o attr_timeout=240 -o entry_timeout=240 -o negative_timeout=120

Getting below msg

Account name is missing in the config file.

These are the details in fuse_connection.cfg file
accountName ABCDEFGH
accountKey INc4XEhN2Ua/MYo/WiESvmIm3RkU1Qf6a
containerName xyzKLM

Azure Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage
An Azure service that stores unstructured data in the cloud as blobs.
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  1. Sumarigo-MSFT 44,816 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    It looks like blobfuse is unable to convert the account key in /root/fuse_connection.cfg from a base 64 string into a byte array. Could you check your connection file, and make sure that the account key is correct(can you regenerate a new key)? It should be something like this, just these three lines:

    accountName myaccount(lowercase)
    accountKey 2AE+/ajshdfLKAJSHUDIjksdfhkwejAUSIHD/asdhfoiasiaAISOIJDOJFLSD/askdfewiAASJDNFL+askdlfj==
    containerName fusetest

    Blobfuse provides this namespace using the virtual directory scheme with the forward-slash '/' as a delimiter.

    I would also recommended you to refer to the know issue of Blobfuse Troubleshooting FAQ

    To mount a persisting folder, you may download the, and use credentials in a file method to mount the folder.

    Additional information: This is due to a missing dependencies on the system. Kindly run below command and then try mount again.

    sudo yum install git cmake fuse-devel libcurl-devel gcc gcc-c++ gnutls-devel libgcrypt-devel libuuid-devel fuse -y

    If the issue still persists, can you please share the below mentioned details for future troubleshooting:
    • What version of blobfuse are they using?
    • Which OS (and OS version) are they using?
    • Share the screenshot of the error message?

    We do not yet support Blobfuse for ADLS gen2 for now

    Hope this helps!

    Kindly let us know if the above helps or you need further assistance on this issue.

    Please don’t forget to "Accept the answer” and “up-vote” wherever the information provided helps you, this can be beneficial to other community members.

    1 person found this answer helpful.

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