@Jason, Thanks for the reply. For the "update-mgdevicemanagementManagedDevice." command, in the document, the -Users value is with type IMicrosoftGraphUser[].
For this type, I find it is an object with many user properties.
I find the "get-mguser" return the same type.
Then I consider to run the command with "get-mguser" as an input. However, if returns the BusinessPhones is not existing.
After investigating, I find the module calls Microsoft Graph REST API. In Microsoft Graph, a user resource type has BusinessPhones property (string collection). This is what Get-MgUser returns . But in IMicrosoftGraphUser Interface, the property name is "[BusinessPhone] (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/microsoft.azure.powershell.cmdlets.resources.msgraph.models.apiv10.imicrosoftgraphuser.businessphone?view=az-ps-latest#microsoft-azure-powershell-cmdlets-resources-msgraph-models-apiv10-imicrosoftgraphuser-businessphone)" which causes the issue.
To fix, I suggest open case to Microsoft Entra ID support to see if we can change the user property from BusinessPhones to BusinessPhone to make it work.
Or contact API support to see if the BusinessPhone property can be changed to BusinessPhones in IMicrosoftGraphUser Interface https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/support Thanks for your understanding.