Since the queue name contains non-identifier characters (hyphen in this case), you need to put it in brackets:
DROP QUEUE dbo.[SqlQueryNotificationService-291a9cc7-f588-4a0e-9425-fa678d10870f]
If I understood you correctly, this is Developer Edition, and thus it is not production. Maybe then you create a script that traverses the databases and drop all queues and services created for query notification. Maybe there are a lot of things lying around, because developers have been debugging and stopped operations half-way through.
You find services in Also check sys.service_contracts and sys.service_message_types. For all beware that there are some built-in objects that should not remove. If you look in tempdb, you can decuce which they are. Finally, you should probably drop all procedures with SQLQueryNotification in the names.
You should probably check with the devs before you start your cleansing.