Create Image from Client's machine using MDT

RGrossett 1 Reputation point

Not sure which section this post suppose to be in, anyway, I have got 100 win10 laptops to configure. Instead of doing them one-by-one, I came to the conclusion that it would be more efficient just to configure one and capture its image and deploy it as and when required to the others. My problem is, I have never done this task before and I was wondering if someone could share their expert knowledge with me helping me to achieve this gold.
The school got an MDT server and pxe is also installed and in operation. I have followed a few online videos but to no avail.

Thanks in advance...

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
A collection of Microsoft tools and documentation for automating desktop and server deployment. Previously known as Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment (BDD).
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  1. Rick Someone 411 Reputation points

    In general practice, you want to build your base image as a VM, so that in the future if you want to drop that image onto other models, you can without worrying about driver issues.

    Not all companies are the same. There may be some things you want to change during your Capture.
    For me, I let MDT merely convert my VM to a WIM. I don't want MDT doing anything to it, just convert it.
    The changes I make are on the Deploy side. I take that clean WIM image, put it in my Deploy Task and that's where I make all of my modifications. The original Captured image always remains intact.

    I assume when you're talking about recreating your TS and not modifying anything, that you mean the Capture Task. For your first question, creating a VM is the same as making an image from a physical pc. Start with your OS, add a few things if you'd like...and capture it. There are other steps such as making a checkpoint before you capture the VM so you can revert back to it if needed.

    The only concern I see in your setup is that sysprep needs to run, regardless. It strips out the MAC so each pc gets a new one. Otherwise, 100 computers will appear as one pc in your whole directory, so let sysprep strip off the MAC.

    There are several sites that are very detailed step-by-step procedures in using a VM and a Capture/Sysprep Task and a Deploy Task. I can be of more assistance if needed. But for your current situation, using a physical pc isn't terrible, it just limits the kinds of pc's that image can go onto.

    I'm not sure what you mean by settings on your MDT server vs what's in the CustomSettings or Bootstrap files.

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  2. RGrossett 1 Reputation point

    Hi RickSomeone… thanks once again for your rapid response. I am not too concerned about the drivers issues, licence nor re-usage of the image on other models.

    These laptops will be given to staffs/students for them to take home. They will not be part of our main network or domain system. They will be operating in standalone mode.

    Instead of me configuring each one at a time (110), I thought it would be easier and more efficient to configure only one. Then upload it into MDT and use PXE/MDT to download the image to the remaining laptops as and when required.

    No modification nor adjustment to the image is required once it had been captured by MDT.


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  3. Rick Someone 411 Reputation points

    Well in your case then, there really isn't anything to ask. From a physical pc that you want to use as a
    main image, Capture it (keep sysprep enabled) and then add the WIM to your Deploy. Configuring your Deploy is not needed if you're not licensing the OS or adding it to a domain.
    What you have in place should work just fine.

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  4. RGrossett 1 Reputation point

    Hi RickSomeone… thanks once more for your quick reply and sorry for being so basic, but could you tell me the steps involve in the capture procedure ?

  5. RGrossett 1 Reputation point

    Hi RickSomeone… thanks once again for your support. I found this which seems logical/easy to understand.
    I think I'll be using it!
    Any comments?

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