In your case, PowerBI is unable to recognize the Databricks connector or the specific functionality within it. Considering you've checked that your PowerBI version on the remote desktop is 2.126.927.0, which is well above the required version of 2.98.683.0 for Databricks support, the issue likely lies elsewhere. If the Databricks connector is not pre-installed or if there's an update available for it, you'll need to make sure it's properly installed and updated. Sometimes, connectors or their updates need to be manually installed or configured.
Unable to read data from Databricks using PowerBI
I have a report that reads data (direct query) from Azure Databricks. When I open it on a Windows notebook, I can edit it correctly and work with it. However, when I open the same file on a remote desktop, I'm unable to load the data from Databricks. In particular, I get the error:
Expression.Error: The name 'Databricks.Catalogs' wasn't recognized. Make sure it's spelled correctly.
I wasn't able to find any information on this. As per the documentation (here), it seems like all I need is to have version 2.98.683.0 or above. On the remote desktop, I have version 2.126.927.0. FWIW, if I try to connect a new data source, I cannot find Databricks (nor Azure Databricks) in the list of available integrations. NB: I also tried with version 2.120.963.0 (which is installed on my notebook) and Azure Databricks is not there to be found.