Using C#, MAPI on Outlook 2013 email system. Trying to sort the emails in the folder but Folder.Items.Sort("Subject",False) does not work

Wart Pendragon 0 Reputation points

Using C#, MAPI trying to sort a mail folder by Subject. The output from the below code shows that the Outlook Folder Items are not sorted by Subject. The order is not changed with or without a call to Items.Sort.

NameSpace outlookNamespace = outlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");


            MAPIFolder OLAccount = outlookNamespace.Folders[sAccountName];

            MAPIFolder OLFolder = OLAccount.Folders[sFolderName];


// Access each supposedly sorted mail item. Makes no difference if the sort order is true or false

for(int iMailCount = 1; iMailCount < OLFolder.Items.Count; iMailCount +=1)


                Console.WriteLine($"{iMailCount} -  {OLFolder.Items[iMailCount].Subject}");


//The mail items are not sorted

//Tried this with same result - not sorted

foreach (MailItem eMail in OLFolder.Items)


Console.Write($". {eMail.Subject}")


Any thoughts?


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