Permissions Error on Microsoft Forms Linked on Page “Feedback on Microsoft Q&A”

Tyler M. Neher 20 Reputation points

There is a permissions error with one of the links on the page titled “Feedback on Microsoft Q&A” on Microsoft Learn.

The link in the paragraph “If you see any text on the site not translated correctly, send an issue for our localization team by using this form.” for translation feedback gives a permission error when accessing it.

The link in the text “this form” is an link:


This link resolves to a Microsoft Forms link:


The error when accessing the Forms link is:

  • “You don't have permission to view or respond to this form. Session id: a4d4f817-ee8a-4ac0-bfcf-836a519bff0b, Correlation id: aa90e8fa-201f-4b6c-b288-f78b7a1059c2”

I’ve attached a screenshot of this message for reference.IMG_0889

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