Unable to recover from Multiple concurrent operations of the same type (ex: PUT) are disallowed for resource type communicationServices

Nicole Stevens 40 Reputation points

10 days ago we started receiving errors deploying Azure Communication Services. The initial error was:

Multiple concurrent operations of the same type (ex: PUT) are disallowed for resource type communicationServices

Having retried the deployment we receive

"details":[{"code":"InvalidResourceOperation","message":"The operation for resource '/subscriptions/<REMOVED>/resourceGroups/<REMOVED>/providers/Microsoft.Communication/communicationServices/<REMOVED>' is invalid as it is being provisioned with state: 'Accepted'.

We then deleted the resource and tried again and are back to the original error - Multiple concurrent operations of the same type (ex: PUT)

Following reading this feedback issue


And this one


The advice is to "wait for the original deployment to fail" - we can't do this, the original date was a month later on the first error message, we can't wait another 3 weeks!

Or to rename the resource - this is also tricky, we're testing promoting through environments and this is a pre-qa test environment, so if we rename these, we'll need to delete the resources and rename qa, uat as we promote which we shouldn't have to do

Is there any other way to revert the "Accepted" deployment to "failed" for this resource?

My other question is why is a deployment is accepted state for ACS for a month? When this happens with other resources it's maybe an hour.

Many thanks.

Azure Communication Services
Azure Communication Services
An Azure communication platform for deploying applications across devices and platforms.
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