Is it possible to only allow attendees and organizers in a meeting or lobby?

Guillaume Gauthier-Benoit 0 Reputation points

We are trying to set up an application that would allow potential attendees to get a unique access for a certain meeting create through the api.

The organizers should be able to remove certain attendees and their access after their initial invitation, and those deleted attendees would no longer have access to the meeting nor would they have access to the lobby.

Is it possible to only allow attendees and organizers in a meeting? If there is an option for us to check if a participant is an attendee on participant joining the reunion, that could also be a viable option for us. In the end, we only want to be able to restrict who joins the meeting

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
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Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
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  1. JiSheng-MSFT 855 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Guillaume Gauthier-Benoit

    When you create a new meeting in Teams, you can add required and optional participants. After the meeting is published, they will receive an email to join the meeting. These attendees will wait in the lobby when they join the meeting via email. The organizer can manage who can participate in the meeting.

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    You can also select the meeting in the calendar for editing and then delete attendees you do not want to participate in the meeting. These users will be notified of the meeting cancellation and the meeting will no longer appear in their calendar. These deleted attendees will no longer have access to the meeting and will not have access to the lobby.

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  2. Saranya Madhu-MSFT 385 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi Guillaume Gauthier-Benoit,

    Thanks for reaching out!

    I can understand that you are trying to create meeting through API.

    You can use onlineMeeting endpoint to update the meetingParticipant and lobbyBypassSettings:

    For the currently authenticated user (using delegated permissions):

    POST /me/onlineMeetings

    For a specific user (using application permissions):

    POST /users/{userId}/onlineMeetings

    Lobby Bypass Settings: To update the online meeting with desired lobby bypass settings, use the lobbyBypassSettings property. This specifies which participants can bypass the meeting lobby. The available lobbyBypassScope values are:

    • organizer: Only the organizer bypasses the lobby; all other participants are placed in the lobby.
    • organization: Only participants from the same company and guests bypass the lobby; others are placed in the lobby.
    • organizationAndFederated: Participants from the same company or trusted organization and guests bypass the lobby.
    • everyone: Everyone is admitted directly, and no participants are placed in the lobby.
    • invited: Only people the organizer invites bypass the lobby.
    • organizationExcludingGuests: Only participants from the same company bypass the lobby.

    Note: To use application permission for this API, tenant administrators must create an application access policy and grant it to a user to authorize the app configured in the policy to create online meetings on behalf of that user (with user ID specified in the request path)

    Reference document:

    Hope this helps.

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