return bad ids

Patrick Lachance 20 Reputation points

Recently, we noticed a regression using the new endpoint:

According to the documentation, each site ID should have this syntax: {hostname},{spsite-id},{spweb-id}.

This was operating correctly. However, for the past few days (possibly a week), the Graph API now returns an ID with only the {spweb-id}. This is a breaking change to the API.

The workaround is to fetch SharePoint IDs with all default fields and craft the ID ourselves using the following endpoint:$select=createdDateTime,name,webUrl,displayName,isPersonalSite,id,sharepointIds,siteCollection

  • hostname is located under site.siteCollection.hostName
  • spsite-id is located under site.sharepointIds.siteId
  • spweb-id is located under site.sharepointIds.webId

We are implementing the workaround.

Hope this will get resolved shortly.


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  1. RaytheonXie_MSFT 33,176 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Patrick Lachance,

    Thanks for letting us know your user experience. According to your case description, I do understand how frustrated you are now. And I feel regretful to inform you that it turns out to be a by-design one.

    It is highly recommended that you can vote this ticket. Many features of our current products are designed and upgraded based on customers’ feedback. With requirements like this increase, the problem may well be released in the future. Thanks for your understanding.

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