SCSM 2012 SP1 Data Warehouse Jobs failed with error message of <xxxx>vw is not updatable because a partitioning column was not found.

Wyatt Wong 116 Reputation points

I found 4 data warehouse jobs have a Failed status. After further checking, the error messages mentioned "UNION ALL view '<xxxx>vw' is not updatable because a partitioning column was not found." How can I resolve the issue ?


Service Manager
Service Manager
A family of System Center products for managing incidents and problems.
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  1. D B 111 Reputation points

    steps provided by MS Support...I did these with all the job schedules disabled...

    on the datawarehouse SQL server...

    select max(datekey) from DWRepository..DateDim --should be 20501230
    select max(datekey) from DwDataMart..DateDim --should be 20501230
    select max(datekey) from CMDwDataMart..DateDim --should be 20501230
    select max(datekey) from OMDwDataMart..DateDim --should be 20501230

    If your errors are caused by this issue, the above queries will return 20201230

    If date keys are from Dec 2020, please use the below steps:

    1. Backup all DW DBs
    2. Add additional date keys until 2050
      Exec DWRepository.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20210101','20501231'
      Exec DwDataMart.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20210101','20501231'
      Exec CMDwDataMart.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20210101','20501231'
      Exec OMDwDataMart.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20210101','20501231'
    3. rebuild the constraints on all 2021 fact tables by using the following script Run the following on DWRepository, DWDatamart, CMDwDatamart, OMDwDatamart

    declare @objName sysname, @newChk as nvarchar(max)
    declare c cursor local FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY for
    select name from sys.sysobjects where xtype='C' and name like '%_2020_Dec_Chk' escape '\' order by 1
    open c; while 1=1 begin; fetch c into @objName if @@Fetch _STATUS<>0 break;
    set @objName = replace(@objName,'_2020_Dec_','_2021_Jan_')
    set @objName = replace(@objName,'_Chk','')
    set @newChk=replace('ALTER TABLE [dbo].[XYZFact_2021_Jan] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [XYZFact_2021_Jan_Chk] CHECK (([DateKey]>=(20210101)));ALTER TABLE [dbo].[XYZFact_2021_Jan] CHECK CONSTRAINT [XYZFact_2021_Jan_Chk];','XYZFact_2021_Jan',@objName)
    exec sp_executesql @newChk
    end; close c; deallocate c;

    1. Restart Microsoft Monitoring Agent

    After this I was able to manually start each of the failed jobs, waited for completion, then enabled my job schedules.

    6 people found this answer helpful.

38 additional answers

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  1. Gromov, Vyacheslav 1 Reputation point

    Please help. I completed all recomendations but no result. I have errors for some modules
    Module name: TransformEntityManagedTypeFact
    Message: UNION ALL view 'DWRepository.dbo.EntityManagedTypeFactvw' is not updatable because a partitioning column was not found.


  2. SJM 1 Reputation point

    Microsoft have a fix for this internally but you will need to raise a support case with Microsoft.

    I have not yet implemented or tested the fix, but I will try reporting back our results.

    To summarise:

    The cause of the issue is that the DateDim in Service Manager ends in December 2020
    This issue was resolved in 2016 UR5 and should ONLY be present in versions earlier than that (including 1801)



  3. Abdellah 6 Reputation points

    Hi !

    After 5 days of tests and checking all solutions here I resolved the problem of all jobs except the "Transform.Common", but at least reports are working now.

    Here is how I did to resolve the incident, the procedure I followed is below :

    (By the way! special thanks to @D B , @Wyatt Wong , @Salim Assaf , @C Sharp Conner , @mohammad saad , @Jim Finke for their efforts and for the good work :-) )

    1- I restored a save snapshot of the DWH server before the first incident that Mr. @D B has put the first solution for, and I ran it on safe mode.
    2- I disabled SCSM services.
    3- I opened the SQL Server Management and I ran those commands :

    Exec DWRepository.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20201231','20501231'
    Exec DwDataMart.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20201231','20501231'
    Exec CMDwDataMart.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20201231','20501231'
    Exec OMDwDataMart.dbo.PopulateDateDim '20201231','20501231'

    4- I used the three scripts attached on bottom to fix Dec 2020, Jan and Feb 2021 constraints (Note that the third one didn't work on DWRepository.dbo because there are no Feb tables):


    5-After that I restarted the SCSM DWH and SCSM Servers ,now the reports are working .

    I hope this can be helpful.

  4. mohammad saad 21 Reputation points


    We are encountering one issue, and it is out of constraint problem but anyone has any idea where to look at ?

    In the webfront/vanaylst portal , support group is showing something else and in the report database it is showing different name.

    which means report database support group column are not updating, anyone has any idea for this issue
