"Legal info" tab is empty on Microsoft Partner Center website
I'm trying to get the verified publisher label for my app registration in Entra ID. Since it requires an MPN ID, I registered on the Microsoft Partner Network website. The next logical thing would be to go through the verification process. Unfortunately, the "Legal info" tab is completely empty, making the verification process impossible.
I strongly suspect that I have the same problem as https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1329387/can-not-see-any-data-in-my-legal-info-in-partner-c
*"Our Microsoft Partner account vetting status has been rejected. Consequently we have been locked out of our Legal Info and are unable to submit any corrections..."
I tried to submit the ticket, but I failed. When I attempt to submit a ticket via Microsoft Partner Center website I need to select a "Workspace". But none is available in the dropdown box and "Problem type" dropdown and "Review solutions" button are disabled.
Next, I tried to follow the suggestion from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1329387/can-not-see-any-data-in-my-legal-info-in-partner-c
"Non-Technical Support - Dashboard" has been taken over by Copilot. When I explained my problem, I got the following
Since "Microsoft Partner Network" wasn't an option, I selected "Other" and got forwarded to https://support.microsoft.com, which is useless.
Now, I'm entirely confused and have no idea how to proceed with my issue.