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Can you navigate your function --> Under Developer (Monitor) --> Invocations and verify if you see any invocation history for your function?
Want to make sure that the function was triggered or not? If triggered then was there any errors?
Also verify whether you have AzureWebJobsStorage key added in your configuration of application settings. If it is not there please add the Name as AzureWebJobsStorage and value as your storage account connection string.
The Azure Functions runtime uses this storage account connection string for normal operation. Some uses of this storage account include key management, timer trigger management, and Event Hubs checkpoints. The storage account must be a general-purpose one that supports blobs, queues, and tables. See Storage account and Storage account requirements.
Reference: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-app-settings#azurewebjobsstorage