I can't update my security & compliance settings

Erik Gascho 1 Reputation point

I keeps getting the error message... Sorry! We couldn't update your organization settings for now, but we will retry it in background. Please check back later. I am a small business owner out of my house, why can't I update this?

Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server Management
Exchange Server: A family of Microsoft client/server messaging and collaboration software.Management: The act or process of organizing, handling, directing or controlling something.
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  1. José Oliveira 1 Reputation point

    Good night my dear colleagues by profession.

    I hope and wish you all well.

    My case was solved using Microsoft Edge's "incognito guide".

    In Powershell it returned that it was already activated:

    PS C:\> Enable-OrganizationCustomization
    "This operation is not required. The organization is already enabled for customization."

    Hope it helps someone else.

  2. Sumit Sharma 1 Reputation point

    I tried below powershell command and it eventually worked.

    Set-AdminAuditLogConfig -UnifiedAuditLogIngestionEnabled $true

    It gave a warning as well. I think it needs a little bit time after enabling it.

    WARNING: The admin audit log configuration change you specified could take up to 60 minutes to take effect.

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