How to run PowerShell, as a Batch Process file txt/html with REGEX (search and replace)?

Suzana Eree 811 Reputation points

hello. I have more regex to run on multiple html files from Folder1. I must run more REGEX with search and replace, for example:

SEARCH: (?-s)(".+?") REPLACE BY: $0
SEARCH: (^.*?)=(.*$) Replace by: \1\r\n\2
SEARCH: ^.(.*)$ REPLACE BY: \1

I mage a PowerShellp script, I add those 3 regex search and replace formulas, but is not working. Can anyone help me?

$sourceFiles = Get-ChildItem 'c:\Folder1'  
$destinationFolder = 'c:\Folder1'
foreach ($file in $sourceFiles) {
$sourceContent = Get-Content $file.FullName -Raw

$contentToInsert = [regex]::match($sourceContent,"(?-s)(".+?")").value
$destinationContent = Get-Content $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Raw
$destinationContent = $destinationContent -replace '$0',$contentToInsert

$contentToInsert = [regex]::match($sourceContent,"(^.*?)=(.*$)").value
$destinationContent = Get-Content $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Raw
$destinationContent = $destinationContent -replace '\1\r\n\2',$contentToInsert

$contentToInsert = [regex]::match($sourceContent,"^.(.*)$").value
$destinationContent = Get-Content $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Raw
$destinationContent = $destinationContent -replace '\1',$contentToInsert

Set-Content -Path $destinationFolder\$($file.Name) -Value $destinationContent -Encoding UTF8
} #end foreach file
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server PowerShell
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.PowerShell: A family of Microsoft task automation and configuration management frameworks consisting of a command-line shell and associated scripting language.
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Accepted answer
  1. Suzana Eree 811 Reputation points

    got it. This is the solution:

    $path = 'c:\Folder1\file1.html'
    $result = 'c:\Folder1\result.html'
    Get-Content -Path $path | ForEach-Object{ 
        $one = $_ -replace '(?<=<li>)\s+','CARPET' #replace First Regex with the word CARPET
        $two = $one -replace 'CARPET','DOOR' #replace the word CARPET with DOOR
        ($three = $two -replace 'DOOR','BEAUTIFUL') | Out-File -FilePath $result -Append #replace the word DOOR with BEAUTIFUL
        "Final = $three"
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  1. Suzana Eree 811 Reputation points

    Ok, so I have this lines on File1.html

    <ul id="sidebarNavigation">
    <li><a href=""; title="Page 1">Page 1 (34)</a></li>
    <li> <a href=""; title="Page 2">Page 2 (29)</a></li>
    <li><a href=""; title="Page-3">Page 3 (11)</a></li>

    @Rich Matheisen I made an update on your last code, just for using 2 regex formulas

    $path = 'c:\Folder1\file1.html'  
    $result = 'c:\Folder1\result.html'  
    Get-Content -Path $path | ForEach-Object{   
           $one = ($_ -replace '(?<=<li>)\s+','CARPET')   | Out-File -FilePath $result -Append      
           ($two = $one -replace 'CARPET','DOOR')   | Out-File -FilePath $result -Append   
    'Final = $two'  

    The PowerShell code seems to be good, but the problem is that the second regex, on the $two doesn't make the replacement from CARPET to DOOR. I don't know why.

  2. Suzana Eree 811 Reputation points

    nope. It duplicates my lines. This is how the output should look like result.html:

    <ul id="sidebarNavigation">
    <li><a href=""; title="Page 1">Page 1 (34)</a></li>
    <li>DOOR<a href=""; title="Page 2">Page 2 (29)</a></li>
    <li><a href=""; title="Page-3">Page 3 (11)</a></li>

    P.S. in Powershell screen/terminal looks good. But in the result.html it doesn't look good.