Thanks to Azure support, I discovered that it's related to the ECC key length. For example, with a 256-bits key, only cipher suites ending with P256 can be used. Thus, to use AES_256_GCM suites, I need a 384- or 521-bits key.
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I have a fully patched Windows 2012 R2 server with IIS 8.5 as reverse-proxy.
I enabled several ECDHE_ECDSA cipher suites with GCM:
But the Qualys SSL Server test sees only one:
Can someone help me find a solution to have all enabled ECDHE_ECDSA cipher suites with GCM appear?
Thanks to Azure support, I discovered that it's related to the ECC key length. For example, with a 256-bits key, only cipher suites ending with P256 can be used. Thus, to use AES_256_GCM suites, I need a 384- or 521-bits key.
Hello @Sylvain Crouet
Currently in Microsoft Q&A we support: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/products/
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OK. Thank you. I've posted in StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66705157/ecdhe-ecdsa-cipher-suites-with-gcm-enabled-but-not-proposed-externally
Well, StackOverflow doesn't accept my question because it's about "networking-related infrastructure administration". And it is, indeed.
Would it be possible to move my question to the correct topic? Maybe the windows-server-infrastructure?
My question is not about a connection from the Windows server like RustyShort-9392, but to it. Thus, maybe we can change the tag for "windows-server-2012".