I have setup LDAPS by basically following these steps:
Plus, I have created a service account that allows me to extract user information.
The client stack is Linux, NGINX, PHP Drupal CMS.
If I create a query within Drupal with the following parameters I get one correct result:
base_dn_str = DC=myname,DC=onmicrosoft,DC=com
filter = (&(objectClass=user)(userprincipalname=member1@Dhiarya137 .onmicrosoft.com))
So, service account binding and user principal name must be OK.
However, I can't use the service account to login as member1 (or any other) user. I've got the Drupal log setting at debug and this is what I see:
member1@Dhiarya137 .onmicrosoft.com : Trying server ldapserver where bind_method = 1. Error: Success
member1@Dhiarya137 .onmicrosoft.com : Authentication result id=0 auth_result=3 (Sorry, unrecognized username or password.)
The username (member1@Dhiarya137 .onmicrosoft.com) is valid and I've tested the password elsewhere so I know that is correct.
I've posted a question about this on the Drupal forum a week ago, but haven't had a response.
Any suggestions?
Thank you in advance.