Awesome!! Thanks for your help.
I have a SharePoint Application List which has below columns.
Title Owner Application URL
App1 test1@xyz .com
Test2@xyz .com site URL
I need to send an email to these two email ids using flows. I am able to send email to one email id when i enable people picker multiple column for owner section I can not send it.
In ms flows send http request to SharePoint, I have provided this URI,
_api/web/lists/getbytitle('Applications')/items?$select=Owners/Title,ApplicationURL&$expand=Owners&$filter=Title eq '@{triggerOutputs()?['body/Application_x0020_Name/Value']}'
And in initializing variable i have take "varOwners" as string with value body('Send_an_HTTP_request_to_SharePoint')['d']['results'][0]['Owners']['Title']
But it is working for sing email id in Owners section but not working for multiple email ids.
Please suggest how to get that and send email to multiple owners.
6 additional answers
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MichaelHan-MSFT 18,031 Reputation points
2021-04-28T04:20:39.257+00:00 Hi @Sateesh Krl ,
For multiple selections person column, when using api to get the value. It's not a single value, it has multiple values in it. As you can see the below.
So you need to initialize variable with this value:
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Sateesh Krl 136 Reputation points
2021-04-28T05:20:06.277+00:00 I have added "Initialize variable for Owner Email" after "Initialize variable to get Owners". In that Name is "varOwnerEmail" and Type is "String" and Value is empty.
MichaelHan-MSFT 18,031 Reputation points
2021-04-28T05:50:54.97+00:00 Hi @Sateesh Krl ,
You could add a Parse JSON action, click Generate from sample. Copy the value of variable varOwners in the flow histroy, then paste it there as a sample and click done.
The schema should be like this:
{ "type": "array", "items": { "type": "object", "properties": { "__metadata": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string" }, "type": { "type": "string" } } }, "Title": { "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "__metadata", "Title" ] } }
Then append to string variable varOwnerEmail like this:
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Sateesh Krl 136 Reputation points
2021-04-28T07:15:48.853+00:00 My scenario is, I have two lists, one list columns are:
LIst1--Title Owners Appurl
App1 xyz@test .com,xyz2@test2 .com TestURL
Title AppName(Lookup column of first list title)
Test App1When user filling a form in List2 and select App1 and email should trigger owners of App1. I have successfully completed sending email if one emailid present in Owners column but if i add another email I could not send.
Now I am getting error on "Search for users (V2)", Do i need to take loop before this again and if Yes what is that.