Teams sound on Mute when joining meetings

Jared Goldman 26 Reputation points

I recently upgraded my MacBook Pro. I have the latest version of Teams installed. I am using external speakers

When I join a meeting my microphone and speaker volume are on mute. There is a little speaker icon with an X next to it. When I press the speaker icon, I get a pop menu that says Turn audio on ?

I then enter the meeting with the mic on and audio on. It's very disrupting.

How do I disable this. I want to join a meeting, with speaker volume on and my mic muted.


Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
9,383 questions
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams: A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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  1. Michael Phillips 1 Reputation point

    After holding several break out room meetings now and digging into this sound issue it appears that the speakers are muted for Meeting organizers or people assigned as admins. Every time you join a room you have this condition where the speakers are muted. I organized a meeting and added three other admins to help run rooms. They had the freedom to move from room to room so they also had the opportunity to experience the speakers being on mute. However any person assigned to a room did not have the issue with the speakers being muted.

    Seems like this only affects those who organize the meeting or added as admins.

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  2. Eug8950 1 Reputation point

    I had the same problem ... one day I chose "don't use audio" to join a meeting.
    The use case was my wifi was having issues and I needed to dial in from my mobile phone for audio, however I wanted to remain joined on my desktop so I could view the screen share.
    From that moment on, all meetings I joined had the sound turned off.

    The fix above worked for me to change my default join experience (used the "Meet now" > "Start meeting" button:)