Hello @alex feng ,
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
You cannot pass SQL join statement into the
You can try the below to join two data frames as shown below.
For the demo purpose, I had created two tables in the Azure Synapse Dedicated pool named chepra
and the tables employee
which contains (EMP_ID and EMP_NAME) and employeedetails
which contains (EMP_ID, EMP_EMAIL and EMP_CONTACT) as shown below.
You can use any one of the below methods to join two data frames:
val empdf = spark.read.sqlanalytics("chepra.dbo.employee")
val empdetailsdf = spark.read.sqlanalytics("chepra.dbo.employeedetails")
val join = empdf.join(empdetailsdf, Seq("EMP_ID"), "inner")
val empdf = spark.read.sqlanalytics("chepra.dbo.employee")
val empdetailsdf = spark.read.sqlanalytics("chepra.dbo.employeedetails")
empdf.join(empdetailsdf,empdf("EMP_ID") === empdetailsdf("EMP_ID"),"inner").show(false)
For more details, refer to the below links:
Spark SQL Join Types with examples
Hope this helps. Do let us know if you any further queries.
Please "Accept the answer" if the information helped you. This will help us and others in the community as well.