right click vs taskbar icon no longer shows recent solutions

Andrew Mercer 461 Reputation points

Right click the VS 2017 (community) taskbar icon and you see recent solutions. You could launch VS in a particular solution by clicking the solution name. With VS 2019, that no longer happens. All you see is launch VS 2019 and unpin from taskbar. I found the 2017 way to be convenient and quicker. Is there a way to enable it in VS 2019?

Also, I don't have a clue about how to use tags.

Windows 10
Windows 10
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Accepted answer
  1. Andrew Mercer 461 Reputation points

    The purpose of this entry is to be the place where this issue gets accepted even though it is not resolved. Apparently I can't accept my reply entry of 10 minutes earlier.
    PengGe suggested another forum for this issue. Why doesn't it suffice to re-tag this issue as windows-10-general? All of this is counterintuitive; tags remain a mystery. I'm done with this.

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  1. Imp Feather 0 Reputation points

    My first posting location is a pretty obscure one & on second thought I would more people to have access to it.

    First off. The fact that someone is behind the scenes holding keys to accessing such a staple feature of the established User Experience. I can not believe the level of plausible denial being exhibited on this topic. The ing Taskbar icons no longer show the recent files (PERIOD). Will someone at Microsoft take care of this ! At first I realized that it was just hard to find, then thought "user issue-me" nope, then I thought "Microsoft is pulling another Windows NT-2000" nah, then I agitatedly clicked that stupid floating island that conveniently obscures most of my desktop-hey just what I've been waiting for all these years (as a google SEngn person); fundamentally a Microsoft Edge Web Browser imposed in front of me. I cant esc. click it, there's no setting to get rid of it, I have to Interact and click my desktop to get rid of it. It used to be that my first click was on a relevant file or program. But, now MS has provided this wonderful detour (In a school-zone, driving Ms. Daisy kind of way). I'm blessed with an (internet based laptop), it's great! Remember the download lag problems of the early 1990's internet? It's Back! In the form of you computer! SO we can corner you into "accepting our big fat D in your User Experience" a more interactive and.... STOP RIGHT THERE! I use MS for the LACK of F (trying to be like Mac) interactivity. I got to realizing, this operating system reminds me of a web page. You know, you want people to explore, invite them with lots of interesting features, feature problem solving is a super easy way to create a "occupation-duration" with the user, well actual, impose it. And what better way to do that than to * with important * that people rely on accessing. So, it's web-based, and it values my clicks and interactivity more than a computer needs (my local drive, note pad, excel, you know BUSINESS S*. This isn't a video game! It's my mobile business performance!!! I don't want a magical world of façades that whisp around, float, smile ( the F* paperclip character), or try to be my * friend. It can be my friend by showing my * recent file history when I right-click on the program taskbar icon, since 1990; and staying out of my way! Microsoft get your D* OUT of my user experience! I've only regretted this update that eventually cornered me to "accepting it" with repeating "your computer will shutdown in 5 minutes for scheduled update". Why don't you ing diversify you idoit's, stop forcing everyone into an idea of the perfect user experience, built for jet-setting teenagers! I'm 40 and I have taken most of my work day aside, to actually employ a fare tenacity to research HOW TO FIX IT! Which like everything should (as it used to) be optional and easily accessible NOT INTER-ing-ACTIVE! But I get it, you need clicks on your web-based interface. Such an item and those similar shouldn't be messed with. You need to diversify for the user's sake. The version you push should have some obvious option to accept or deny the changes and just as attentively offer a quick way to modify settings by the needs of my needs not interested in replicating a jet-setting teenager!

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