Adding a tab to meeting chat using the Microsoft Graph API fails with a 400 Bad Request

RakeshKumar-4431 251 Reputation points

We are using below Microsoft graph end point to Add tab to specified meeting chat

POST /chats/{chat-id}/tabs  

Add tab to chat is not working for us. The response code is 400 Bad Request. Below are the request and response details.


   Request URL:  
   Request Method: POST  
   Status Code: 400 Bad Request  
   client-request-id: 5b5f2e49-f6fa-4c3a-8164-3f63cb7557a3  
   request-id: 7a65b1e9-5364-44ce-98f9-339294a65a40  

Reuest Payload

    "displayName": "Agenda",  
    "teamsApp@odata.bind": "",  
    "configuration": {  
        "entityId": "decisions-chat-agenda",  
        "contentUrl": "{theme}&frameContext={frameContext}#/meeting-agenda?meetingId=19:meeting_ZDVjYWE0ZTUtZDFmMy00ZWUzLTkyOTMtMWIzNjA3NTY2YWU3@thread.v2",  
        "websiteUrl": ""  


    "error": {  
        "code": "BadRequest",  
        "message": "App id d3d1be68-066c-4967-a74b-9edcf902dcfb needs to be installed to the scope 19:meeting_ZDVjYWE0ZTUtZDFmMy00ZWUzLTkyOTMtMWIzNjA3NTY2YWU3@thread.v2 and be in an unblocked state to install/update a tab",  
        "innerError": {  
            "message": "App id d3d1be68-066c-4967-a74b-9edcf902dcfb needs to be installed to the scope 19:meeting_ZDVjYWE0ZTUtZDFmMy00ZWUzLTkyOTMtMWIzNjA3NTY2YWU3@thread.v2 and be in an unblocked state to install/update a tab",  
            "code": "InvalidRequest",  
            "innerError": {},  
            "date": "2021-09-09T08:57:34",  
            "request-id": "7a65b1e9-5364-44ce-98f9-339294a65a40",  
            "client-request-id": "5b5f2e49-f6fa-4c3a-8164-3f63cb7557a3"  

App is already installed to the meeting chat and we confirmed it by listing the installed apps in meeting chat using below endpoint.


request-id: f3e8c883-d9ff-4946-8c24-59bedb540382  
client-request-id: e0057c12-cf3f-4045-b7cb-99268fc78bee  


    "@odata.context": "$metadata#chats('19%3Ameeting_ZDVjYWE0ZTUtZDFmMy00ZWUzLTkyOTMtMWIzNjA3NTY2YWU3%40thread.v2')/installedApps(teamsApp())",  
    "value": [  
            "id": "MTk6bWVldGluZ19aRFZqWVdFMFpUVXRaREZtTXkwMFpXVXpMVGt5T1RNdE1XSXpOakEzTlRZMllXVTNAdGhyZWFkLnYyIyNkM2QxYmU2OC0wNjZjLTQ5NjctYTc0Yi05ZWRjZjkwMmRjZmI=",  
            "teamsApp": {  
                "id": "d3d1be68-066c-4967-a74b-9edcf902dcfb",  
                "externalId": null,  
                "displayName": "Decisions",  
                "distributionMethod": "store"  
Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams Development
Microsoft Teams: A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.Development: The process of researching, productizing, and refining new or existing technologies.
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