Delete from Child than from Parent table using SQL Query

Shabbir Daruwala 176 Reputation points

Hi All,

How to delete from Child table and than from parent table with same filter, below is sql script but require refactoring

DELETE From tbl_AutoSizeDetail where AutoSizeId in (Select Id from  FROM tbl_AutoSize
                        WHERE 1=1
                        AND DepartmentId = @PAR_DepartmentId
                        AND SizePot = @PAR_SizePot
                        AND ProductSize = @PAR_ProductSize)

DELETE FROM tbl_AutoSize
                        WHERE 1=1
                        AND DepartmentId = @PAR_DepartmentId
                        AND SizePot = @PAR_SizePot
                        AND ProductSize = @PAR_ProductSize
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Accepted answer
  1. Tomáš Zíka 256 Reputation points

    What I would do is delete with a join to the parent table and output the deleted parentIds into a table variable. Then you can delete from the parent table using those Ids.

    One time only I'm providing the DDL and data sample, but it should be you the next time. Put in some work if you expect people to help.

    create table dbo.tbl_AutoSize
        Id int identity(1,1) primary key
        , DepartmentId int not null
        , SizePot int not null
        , ProductSize int not null
    create table dbo.tbl_AutoSizeDetail
        Id int identity (1,1) primary key
        , AutoSizeId int not null references tbl_AutoSize(id)
        , Filler char(10) not null
    insert into dbo.tbl_Autosize with (tablockx)
    (DepartmentId, SizePot, ProductSize)
    ( 1, 1, 1)
    , ( 2, 2, 2)
    insert into dbo.tbl_AutoSizeDetail with (tablockx)
        AutoSizeId, Filler
    (1, '1a')
    , (1, '1b')
    , (2, '2a')
    /* before */
    from dbo.tbl_AutoSizeDetail as tasd
        join dbo.tbl_AutoSize as tas
            on tas.Id = tasd.AutoSizeId
        @PAR_DepartmentId int = 1
        , @PAR_SizePot int = 1
        , @PAR_ProductSize int = 1
    declare @IdsForDeletion table (Id int)
    begin transaction
        delete tasd
        output deleted.AutoSizeId into @IdsForDeletion
        from dbo.tbl_AutoSizeDetail as tasd
        join dbo.tbl_AutoSize as tas
            on tas.Id = tasd.AutoSizeId
            tas.DepartmentId = @PAR_DepartmentId
            AND tas.SizePot = @PAR_SizePot
            AND tas.ProductSize = @PAR_ProductSize
        delete tas
        from dbo.tbl_AutoSize as tas
        where exists
            select * from @IdsForDeletion ifd
            where ifd.Id = tas.Id
    commit transaction
    /*after */
    from dbo.tbl_AutoSizeDetail as tasd
        join dbo.tbl_AutoSize as tas
            on tas.Id = tasd.AutoSizeId
    1 person found this answer helpful.

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  1. Shabbir Daruwala 176 Reputation points

    Great thanks everyone, I accept TOMZika as best solution.

    Thanks everyone for your help.

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