It says “Only rows that match the specified filters are visible to users in this role”, what if it remains blank like above?! What’s the default “visible” or “not visible”?!
The default if there is no filter expression is that all rows are visible.
I tested the role above and I can read all data, how is it possible?
If you are a server admin RLS filters are not applied. And I think this may also be the case if the permissions for the role are set to Administrator too.
What could be a reasonable case as the above: that is, where you leave all tables blank, and =FALSE() in one?
Doing =FALSE() will block all access to the rows in that table and in any tables that are filtered by an active relationship to this table. If you had multiple fact tables in your model (eg. Sales and Inventory) then you you could use a technique like this to allow access to Inventory information, but block access to the Sales data for your warehouse staff.