That is exaclty what I did, I have copied the"ASP.NET Core with Angular" template with my standart " Core Web Api" with the "Standalone TypeScript Angular"(+Added intergration for web api) combined. then I checked for all the Extra Intergrated Files in Angelar to see if the matched the "Asp net core Angular template"
I ren into multiple Errors in Angular it took me several hours to Trying to fix that and eventuality it did not even work.
Eventuality I used the Asp net core Angular template And updated the Old Angular version to 13.0.2
So i did manage to use it as 1 project. but that im not able to Use my own Angular map created outside of the Visual studio template
that is not good at all. I dont understand why you want to get rid of system that worked fine using in asp net core 5 and replace that
with something that is so bad.
Im sorry to say but this new update is a disaster it took me several days trying to get this to work putting all my projects on a hold
And the thing that annoys me the most it that there are no good and clear Document to support this.
It also takes Ages to start a project once i press start to see the project i have to wait several minutes.
I hope they change something about this as soon as possible
or allow users to keep using the old Spa system it was much faster when starting up and 100 times more easier to setup