az webapp up ZIP deployment fail

Kaycee Gu 1 Reputation point

I am trying to deploy a ReactJS web app to Azure and keep getting the following errors. How can I fix it?

I've checked that I have the latest CLI and

The command I ran was: az webapp up --sku F1 --name interpre-x --location centralus -r "node|14-lts" -g appsvc_linux_centralus

The error message was:
Zip deployment failed. {'id': '7d8a6658659944e5a02b2b7c07225974', 'status': 3, 'status_text': '', 'author_email': 'N/A', 'author': 'N/A', 'deployer': 'Push-Deployer', 'message': 'Created via a push deployment', 'progress': '', 'received_time': '2021-12-09T14:06:00.9192897Z', 'start_time': '2021-12-09T14:06:02.4144008Z', 'end_time': '2021-12-09T14:08:14.4248797Z', 'last_success_end_time': None, 'complete': True, 'active': False, 'is_temp': False, 'is_readonly': True, 'url': '', 'log_url': '', 'site_name': 'interpre-x'}. Please run the command az webapp log deployment show -n interpre-x -g appsvc_linux_centralus

When I ran the suggested command, I got the following:

Command group 'webapp log deployment' is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels:
"details_url": null,
"id": "08d1c08a-b3f3-4b0b-ace1-2c906489804a",
"log_time": "2021-12-09T14:06:01.0954111Z",
"message": "Updating submodules.",
"type": 0
"details_url": null,
"id": "dad927a7-7b83-40d2-947f-fb0cc99e9e4e",
"log_time": "2021-12-09T14:06:02.3145311Z",
"message": "Preparing deployment for commit id '7d8a665865'.",
"type": 0
"details_url": null,
"id": "a49b8b81-3c73-42c6-bc5b-39c34d3c1fb4",
"log_time": "2021-12-09T14:06:03.5798031Z",
"message": "Repository path is /tmp/zipdeploy/extracted",
"type": 0
"details_url": "",
"id": "42a078f2-1090-4711-aaf6-db66fd466f68",
"log_time": "2021-12-09T14:06:03.6783993Z",
"message": "Running oryx build...",
"type": 2

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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  1. Kaycee Gu 1 Reputation point

    @SnehaAgrawal-MSFT This gave me an eureka moment, the node module it has a problem with is the google analytics node module that I put in. Once I removed it, I was able to deploy without any problems... Sigh - I should have known...

    Thank you, Sneha and everyone who tried to help!! @Andriy Bilous @sadomovalex