How to find Parent & Child Resources for Azure Services

Nethaji, Bhaskar 1 Reputation point

How to find Parent & Child Resources for Azure Services?

For example,

1)Microsoft.Web/sites/config and Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions are both child resources of Microsoft.Web/sites?

2) Also we have App services we want to know what are services are interlinked with App services?

This is the List of services i have, out of which i need to identify which is parent and child resources for the particular category

Bhaskar N

Azure App Service
Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service used to create and deploy scalable, mission-critical web apps.
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  1. John Folberth 1 Reputation point

    This can be done by looking at Cost Analysis and drilling down below the Meter type under Cost By resource. This will show a well formatted name, to get the entire name exporting the bill will give you this information as well.

    Additionally this can be done via documentation:

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  2. BhargaviAnnadevara-MSFT 5,466 Reputation points

    @Nethaji, Bhaskar Thanks for reaching out. By convention, the resource type for the child resource includes the resource type for the parent resource. For example, Microsoft.Web/sites/config and Microsoft.Web/sites/extensions are both child resources of the Microsoft.Web/sites. The accepted resource types are specified in the template schema of the parent resource.

    As @JohnFolberth-6711 mentioned, you can browse the ARM/Bicep reference to see the hierarchy:


    Or, you could use the Get-AzResourceProvider cmdlet from Azure PowerShell to get this information programmatically as follows:

       PS C:\Users> # Get all resource provider details from the given ProviderNamespace  
       PS C:\Users> Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Web | Sort-Object ResourceTypes | ft -Property ProviderNamespace,RegistrationState,ResourceTypes  
       ProviderNamespace RegistrationState ResourceTypes  
        ----------------- -------------  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {publishingUsers}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {hostingEnvironments}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {hostingEnvironments/multiRolePools}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {hostingEnvironments/workerPools}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {kubeEnvironments}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {deploymentLocations}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {deletedSites}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/deletedSites}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {ishostingenvironmentnameavailable}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/deleteVirtualNetworkOrSubnets}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {connections}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {customApis}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/listWsdlInterfaces}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/premieraddons}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/extractApiDefinitionFromWsdl}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/runtimes}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/apiOperations}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {connectionGateways}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/connectionGatewayInstallations}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {checkNameAvailability}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {billingMeters}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {verifyHostingEnvironmentVnet}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {serverFarms/eventGridFilters}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/eventGridFilters}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/slots/eventGridFilters}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {hostingEnvironments/eventGridFilters}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {serverFarms/firstPartyApps}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {serverFarms/firstPartyApps/keyVaultSettings}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/managedApis}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {georegions}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {resourceHealthMetadata}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {recommendations}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {ishostnameavailable}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {validate}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {isusernameavailable}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {generateGithubAccessTokenForAppserviceCLI}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sourceControls}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {availableStacks}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {webAppStacks}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/webAppStacks}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {functionAppStacks}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/functionAppStacks}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {staticSites}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/previewStaticSiteWorkflowFile}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {staticSites/userProvidedFunctionApps}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {staticSites/builds}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {staticSites/builds/userProvidedFunctionApps}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {listSitesAssignedToHostName}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/getNetworkPolicies}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/operations}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {locations/operationResults}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/networkConfig}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/slots/networkConfig}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/hostNameBindings}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/slots/hostNameBindings}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {operations}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {certificates}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {serverFarms}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {sites/slots}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {runtimes}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {workerApps}  
       Microsoft.Web     Registered        {containerApps}  
       PS C:\Users> # Get all resource providers registered with the current subscription  
       PS C:\Users> Get-AzResourceProvider | Sort-Object ResourceTypes | ft -Property ProviderNamespace,RegistrationState,ResourceTypes  
       ProviderNamespace                      RegistrationState ResourceTypes  
                             ----------------- -------------  
       Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate Registered        {classicInfrastructureResources}  
       Microsoft.ClassicSubscription          Registered        {operations}  
       Microsoft.DevOps                       Registered        {pipelines}  
       Microsoft.CostManagementExports        Registered        {Operations}  
       Microsoft.Genomics                     Registered        {accounts}  
       Microsoft.SiteRecovery                 Registered        {SiteRecoveryVault}  
       Microsoft.Notebooks                    Registered        {NotebookProxies, operations}  
       Microsoft.StorSimple                   Registered        {managers, operations}  
       Sendgrid.Email                         Registered        {accounts, operations}  
       Microsoft.MarketplaceNotifications     Registered        {reviewsnotifications, operations}  
       Microsoft.WorkloadMonitor              Registered        {operations, monitors}  

    Hope this helps. Do let us know if you have further questions.


    If an answer is helpful, please "Accept answer" and/or "Up-Vote" which might help other community members reading this thread.

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