Net 6 using session in a custom class

Jim Whitaker 21 Reputation points

I can easily work with session in a page model like:

            string SessionKeyName = "logged";
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HttpContext.Session.GetString(SessionKeyName)))
                HttpContext.Session.SetString(SessionKeyName, "notlogged");
                //ViewData["mt"] = "notlogged";

But if I try to use session in a custom class I get an error:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0120 An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'HttpContext.Session' RazorPagesMovie C:\Users\Owner\source\repos\RazorPagesMovie\RazorPagesMovie\Helpers\Chk.cs 20 Active

How would I implement session in a custom class?

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Accepted answer
  1. Bruce ( 58,761 Reputation points

    it would be simpler to just pass session to the class:

    using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
     using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
     using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Session;
     namespace RazorPagesMovie.Helpers
         public class Chk
             ISession session;
             public Chk(ISession session)
                 this.session = session;
             public void Foo()
                 session?.SetString("Name", "Bobby");
                 session?.SetInt32("Age", 773);
             public void getFoo()
                 session?.SetInt32("Age", 773);

    in a page you create

    Chk chk = new Chk(HttpContext.Session);

    or create a session extension class

    public static class SessionExtensions
         public static string? GetFoo (this ISession session) => return session["foo"];
         public static void SetFoo(this ISession session, string value) => session["foo"] = value; 

    and use

    var foo = HttpContext.Session?.GetFoo();

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  1. Jim Whitaker 21 Reputation points

    Bruce-SqlWork passing session worked, however I had to modify like:

       public class Chk
            ISession session;
            public Chk(ISession session)
                this.session = session;
            public void Foo()
                session?.SetString("Name", "Bobby");
                session?.SetInt32("Age", 773);
            public dynamic? getFoo(string rvalue)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(session.GetString(rvalue)))
                    session.SetString("logged", "notlogged");
                    return session?.GetString(rvalue);
                    return session?.GetString(rvalue);
                //return "na";
                //session?.SetInt32("Age", 773);

    The ide VS 2022 complained about the void and a return.

    Is there any way now to make the methods static?