Windows 11 WebDav issue with OwnCloud

Павел Курьят 21 Reputation points

Hey on there!

Got trouble with mounting drive through WebDav on Windows 11 desktop clients. On Windows 10 or 7 was no problems yet for 30+ different users and respectively OS assemblies .

System configuration: Serveside - WebDav cloud server OwnCloud 10.9.1-rc1 running on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, SSL secured via LetsEncrypt (Traefik used). ClientSide - Windows 11 clients on Oracle VirtualBox (fresh install from MS official) and newly installed W11 on few client PCs

Expected behaviour: Mounting network drives using any in-box features, as it was on W7 or W10

Actual behaviour:

  1. Tried to map storage with command promt as admin: net use X: /persistent:no /savecred


net use X: "\\\remote.php\webdav\" /persistent:no /savecred

Both with error:

> System Error 59. Unexpected error

  1. Tried to use GUI to map network drive. Used address to map like After entering credentials just repeately asking for credentials few times and finally got error:

> The mapped network drive could not be created because the following error has occurred A device attached to the system is not functioning

  1. Also tried PowerShell command: New-PSDrive -Name R -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\ \remote.php\webdav" -Credential Get-Credential

Error occured:

> New-PSDrive : A device attached to the system is not functioning

For sure, next features are set correctly on client Windows 11 to use WebDAV:

  • Network Discovery enabled
  • Webclient service is running

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\WebClient\Parameters set:

  • FileSizeLimitInBytes = 0xffffffff
  • FsCtlRequestTimeoutInSec=0xffffffff
  • BasicAuthLevel=2

No any events in OwnCloud log on server side when mapping commands trying to run! Seems like client even not trying to talk with server. Issue also posted on OC forum -

Duct tape solution: For few month stuck, find out same issue in past, with Windows 10 1903 update:

In the last reply find out something, that works fine. I replaced two DLLs WebCient service using with same DLLs from original Windows 10:


Backuped original W11 files before, then made administrator as owner and granted full permissions to the files. Otherway i was not allowed to change them. Then restarted WebClient service and everything goes fine.

Conclusion: I bet its an MS side bug, that should be fixed.

Best regards and thanks in advance for any other info about this issue (easier way to fix, maybe?) or Microsoft reaction.

P.S. Newbie here - help me with tags pls )

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7 answers

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  1. Oleksii Sokolovskyi 11 Reputation points

    I have got the same problem.
    Microsoft, we need help with that.

    2 people found this answer helpful.
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  2. Oleh Bilohub 6 Reputation points

    I've got the same trouble

    1 person found this answer helpful.
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  3. С Г 1 Reputation point

    I've got the same trouble

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  4. Russell Hampton 1 Reputation point

    I also have similar problem
    MS Win 11 does not connect to webdav network and this is a major problem

    [Swear word] MS FIX YOUR SYSTEM

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  5. Meickel 1 Reputation point

    I have the same issue,
    LAN Owncloud with self signed SSL.

    Also tried with no https, but no luck mapping WebDav.

    tried in console, no luck
    Tried with GUI no luck.

    Same results with Win 11.

    please find a solution

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