Convert string to date

Deon Olivier 101 Reputation points

Hi all,
Using MS Access 2016.

I have a string called "FinalStr". The value of the string is "0001315454022" - the first 6 digits is the birthdate (2000/01/31), but the year is not captured as "2000", but only the last 2 digits of the year. The next 4 digits is a control number and the last 3 digits, is a serial number.

I use:
MyStr = CDate(Left(FinalStr, 2) & "-" & Mid(FinalStr, 2, 2) & "-" & Right(FinalStr, 2))

This line I expect to result in "2000-01-31", but it does not. The result is an error 13 (Type Mismatch), or it results in "00:00:00".
I could figure out that the error occur in the first part (MyStr = CDate(Left(FinalStr, 2) ), but the subsequent code also does not yield what I expect.

Any suggestions?


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Accepted answer
  1. Viorel 112.9K Reputation points

    You should decide how to interpret the two digits of the year. If your dates are always in the past, then consider this approach:

    MyDate = DateSerial(IIf(CInt(Left(FinalStr, 2)) <= Year(Date) Mod 100, 2000, 1900) + Left(FinalStr, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 3, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2))
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5 additional answers

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  1. Doug Robbins - MVP 716 Reputation points


    MsgBox "Birthdate: 20" & Left(str, 2) & "-" & Mid(str, 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(str, 5, 2)

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  2. Viorel 112.9K Reputation points

    Try this too:

    Dim MyDate As Date
    MyDate = DateSerial(2000 + Left(FinalStr, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 3, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2))
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  3. Deon Olivier 101 Reputation points

    Hi Viorel,
    Your suggestion works, but it now returns "2097-01-31" if the birthdate is "1997-01-31".
    I assume it is because of the DateSerial being 2000. How will I distinguish between birth year 1900-1999 and 2000-2999?

    I am coding as follows:

    Dim MyStr as Date

    tempidholder = Format(Str(IDNumber), "0000000000000") 'This is to convert the number to string
    If Left(tempidholder, 1) = "0" Then
    FinalStr = Left(tempidholder, 6) 'Stores just the first 6 digits
    MyStr = DateSerial(2000 + Left(FinalStr, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 3, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2))
    BirthDate = MyStr 'If first 6 digits is "000131", returns "2000-01-31". If first 6 digits is "04-01-31" returns "2004-01-31" - all correct
    FinalStr = Left(tempidholder, 6)
    MyStr = DateSerial(2000 + Left(FinalStr, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 3, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2))
    BirthDate = MyStr 'If first 6 digits is "97-01-31", returns "2097-01-31" in stead of "1997-01-31"
    End If

    If I change the line "MyStr = DateSerial(2000 + Left(FinalStr, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 3, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2))" to read "MyStr = DateSerial(1900 + Left(FinalStr, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 3, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2))", I also get the wrong return.

    FinalStr = Left(tempidholder, 6)
    MyStr = DateSerial(1900 + Left(FinalStr, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 3, 2), Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2))
    BirthDate = MyStr 'If first 6 digits is "01-01-31", returns "1901-01-31" in stead of "2001-01-31"
    End If


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  4. Doug Robbins - MVP 716 Reputation points

    The following will display a date from last century if the year is greater than the present year

    If Left(FinalStr,2)< Format(Date, "yy") then
    MsgBox "Birthdate: 20" & Left(FinalStr, 2) & "-" & Mid(FInalStr, 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2)
    MsgBox "Birthdate: 19" & Left(FinalStr, 2) & "-" & Mid(FInalStr, 3, 2) & "-" & Mid(FinalStr, 5, 2)
    End If

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