Error code BadRequest Failure type User configuration issue

Annie Lu 1 Reputation point

Hello, I have run this pipeline before successfully but now am receiving this error.

Error code
Failure type
User configuration issue
Operation on target StatusFunction failed: Call to provided Azure function 'StatusFunction' failed with status-'InternalServerError' and message - '{"Status":{"Status":"Failed","Message":"Sql Error Number: 1911. Execution Time: 00:00:00.062. SQL operation failed. [Error Cause:Unspecified][User Error:False][Fatal Error:False][Target:Sql]","Details":" at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Common.Utilities.SqlStore.SqlStoreErrorHandler(Exception ex, Int32 remainingAttempts, TimeSpan attemptTime, Object state) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\DataMart\SQLizer.Common\Utilities\SqlStore.cs:line 1113\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Core.RetryPolicy.Evaluate(Exception ex, Int32 currentRetryCount, TimeSpan attemptTime) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\Common\SQLizer.Core\RetryPolicy.cs:line 82\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Core.Operation.HandleError(Exception ex, Int32 currentAttempt, TimeSpan attemptTime, RetryPolicy retryPolicy, CancellationToken ct, String logActionInfo) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\Common\SQLizer.Core\Operation.cs:line 179\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Core.Operation.ExecuteWithRetryT in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\Common\SQLizer.Core\Operation.cs:line 129\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Processor.Sql.EntityStore.ExecuteSchemaOperation(String tableScript) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\DataMart\SQLizer\Processor\Sql\EntityStore.cs:line 519\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Processor.Sql.SqlEntitySetup.GenerateSchema(DataTable table, Entity entity, EntityStore entityStore, List1 columns, Boolean handleExtraColumns, List1 extraColumns) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\DataMart\SQLizer\Processor\Sql\SqlEntitySetup.cs:line 367\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Processor.Sql.SqlEntityProcessor.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<GenerateTableSchema>b__0(CancellationToken ct) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\DataMart\SQLizer\Processor\Sql\SqlEntityProcessor.cs:line 250\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Core.Operation.ExecuteWithRetry(Action1 action, RetryPolicy retryPolicy, Nullable1 ct, String logActionInfo) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\Common\SQLizer.Core\Operation.cs:line 37\r\n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Core.Operation.HandleError(Exception ex, Int32 currentAttempt, TimeSpan attemptTime, RetryPolicy retryPolicy, CancellationToken ct, String logActionInfo) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\Common\SQLizer.Core\Operation.cs:line 216\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Core.Operation.ExecuteWithRetry(Action1 action, RetryPolicy retryPolicy, Nullable1 ct, String logActionInfo) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\Common\SQLizer.Core\Operation.cs:line 37\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Processor.Sql.SqlEntityProcessor.GenerateTableSchema(IEnumerable`1 streamSetMetadata, Boolean filterColumns, Boolean disableColumnMapping) in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\DataMart\SQLizer\Processor\Sql\SqlEntityProcessor.cs:line 249\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Processor.EntityProcessorBase.DoWork() in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\DataMart\SQLizer\Processor\EntityProcessorBase.cs:line 468\r\n at Microsoft.Xbox.SQLizer.Coordinator.<>c__DisplayClass13_1.<RunEntityProcessors>b__0() in C:\source\src\Egress\Tools\SQLizer\DataMart\SQLizer\Coordinator.cs:line 428\r\n at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()\r\n at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()","FullLog":"","CreatedPipelines":[],"Version":"9.1.22020.126","PipelineActivityId":"557b4777-88fb-44fe-9afe-25e89edf3d81"},"ErrorMessage":"Sql Error Number: 1911. Execution Time: 00:00:00.062. SQL operation failed. [Error Cause:Unspecified][User Error:False][Fatal Error:False][Target:Sql]"}'.
SQLizerPipeline with retry

Would you be able to provide any tips as to how I can resolve this? I've attached the pipeline json. 171515-camerapipeline.txt

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  1. KranthiPakala-MSFT 46,442 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hello @Annie Lu ,

    Welcome to the Microsoft Q&A platform and thanks for your query.

    As I understand the ask here is your ADF pipeline with Azure function activity which used to work in the past has been suddenly failing without any changes to it. Please correct if I'm not accurate.

    At this time, we don't know what your Azure function activity is doing. But based on the error message ( "Sql Error Number: 1911. Execution Time: 00:00:00.062. SQL operation failed ) it seems like a user configuration issue related to SQL server call which is resulting in time outs and hence the pipeline is failing. I would recommend checking if your azure function activity is properly configured as described in the public doc.

    If the issue not consistent or transient one, then I recommend setting up retry options in Azure Function activity settings and see if that helps to avoid this issue.

    There could be a possibility that your Function app code is having some issue in interacting with the actual endpoint and hence timing out which is resulting the ADF pipeline to fail.

    In case if you haven't made any changes to the pipeline or the activity (which used to work in the past) but it started failing all of sudden, then I recommend filing a support ticket for deeper analysis as the information provided is not very helpful to troubleshoot further or assist better.

    Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.


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