Hello @Hieu Phan ,
I have synced with the support engineer @Yang Cao that helped you finding the solution for this :). Please verify it as the answer so others can learn from it as well. Thank you so much in advance!
The issue was due to AvaGatewayEdge module deployment failed, and this is because unspecified image url in the deployment manifest. We checked with PG about the image url since it's not in the doc and this is the link of the image: sseiber/ava-edge-gateway - Docker Image | Docker Hub, to deploy this custom module, below are the steps:
1) Access your template through IoT Central and version your template to a new one:
2) Access your newly created template and click on “edit manifest”, update your deployment manifest as below ( The image url is “sseiber/ava-edge-gateway:4.0.1-amd64-debug” for your convenience to copy and paste ):
3) Publish your template
4) Access “Devices” panel and assign the newly created template to your ava gateway device:
5) You will see the module running:
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