Domain isn't in our system. Make sure you typed it correctly.

Marco Haas 6 Reputation points

Hi there,

currently I try to request the user consent but I cannot login into my microsoft account.
As the instruction mentioned I registered a application.
Then I try to get the the user consent with the endpoint but there occurs the error
"Domain isn't in our system. Make sure you typed it correctly."


full url:

Where the client_id is the id of my registrated application. The redirect_uri matches the one in my application.

And my account exists:

Did I miss anything to config? Or is a GET-Parameter missing in the url?

Hope you can help me.

Kind Regards,

Marco Haas

Microsoft Entra
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3 answers

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  1. Marco Haas 6 Reputation points

    Hi Marilee,

    I just tried it with an icognito tab. The problem only occurs on the url. itself works like a charm and redirects me to the url

    Therefore its the same endpoint with just different get parameters -> I guess its some configuration?

    My account is just new, so there should be any bill or closed subscriptions...

    I dont think CNAME is pointing to a missing domain, the error would also occur at the normal login - I guess. But it only occurs if I try to login and receive the code.

    But I recorded all requests during the failed login process, maybe you can get a hint there.

    Thanks for your help

    Kind Regards,

    Marco Haas190778-loginmicrosoftonlinecom.log

    1 person found this answer helpful.

  2. LibertyUK 1 Reputation point

    When you get the error: Domain isn't in our system. Make sure you typed it correctly

    make sure you only your domain name into the login box and not your user account name.

    So for you it would be :

    Dont enter:

    It will then return you with the account name with the license applied and then you can enter a password.

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